Sunday, 13 December 2009

a book.

I did a book, I had a lot of fun doing this and I can't wait to see it when I'll get it.
Like I said I decided to do it with blurb programme which is really ease, simple but you can be creative as well.

I decided to use standart landscape becouse this is the most similar size to postcards.
I decided to have softcover. I was thinking about it a lot but I really wanted to have this book more personal, like a diary or notebook where someone just sticked postcard from his love. Softocver was for me better to show that.

I tried to have it really simple but still nice. Becouse I scanned postcards and photos I thought it will be enought and I don't really need anything extra in the corners and stuff. I was thinking for a moment to have something like that:
but I decided not to have anything.

here is final version of the book which I send to blurb and I am still waiting for it and I am stressed more than ever...

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