Sunday, 13 December 2009


I finished my book, I send it to blurb and I took deep breath. I am waiting still for printed book (shoul be friday 11.12 in my house but then they changed date to monday and I am supposted to get it monday then...).
Whole project for me was a great fun, was really creative becouse we decided what we can do and basiccaly we could do everything we want. I had few bad moments during doing this project, when I was thinking oh my god! i just can't do it! but then i just took few day free witohut thinking about everything and my head was again full of new ideas.
I was really enjoying doing book, it was really creative and not that hard as I thought. I am really happy I could do that becouse I konw that without this roject I won't doany book using blurb becouse I would be just to scared to start doing this :)

It was my first project when I took picture which weren't really linked to fashion, more t portraits and fine art and I was enjoying really writting all these poscards. I think it was really usefull and it will be great to keep it and showing this book my friends in Poland becouse I am quite proud of this idea and whole project.

a book.

I did a book, I had a lot of fun doing this and I can't wait to see it when I'll get it.
Like I said I decided to do it with blurb programme which is really ease, simple but you can be creative as well.

I decided to use standart landscape becouse this is the most similar size to postcards.
I decided to have softcover. I was thinking about it a lot but I really wanted to have this book more personal, like a diary or notebook where someone just sticked postcard from his love. Softocver was for me better to show that.

I tried to have it really simple but still nice. Becouse I scanned postcards and photos I thought it will be enought and I don't really need anything extra in the corners and stuff. I was thinking for a moment to have something like that:
but I decided not to have anything.

here is final version of the book which I send to blurb and I am still waiting for it and I am stressed more than ever...


I have used blurb one time in my life, when I was thinking about doing small book for my mum with my works but I didnt have any idea and I stuck with this.
This time it was different, I knew that I want it simple, without any decorations.

Firstly I had problem with picture for front and back cover. I wanted to have it really simple but catching the eye of potentional customer.
these are my contact sheets with images I took with thoughts about this.

and these are my final front
and back

I did as well an introduction with general idea of this book etc.

I wanted to have picture of Matrioszka there for understandig what is Matrioszka and what is she doing in this whole project.


I want my project to look like postcards. Images are front of my postacrds and back of them I have to write some text how you write to someone really important for you. I would like to have it a little bit like a diary but still like a postcard.
I tried to write evrything a little bit personal, funny and interesting.

I had a small problem with findind stamps but I went to BCUC library and I found a book with a lot of different stamps and I used them (Sam told me that it will be a good idea to looking for something like that and it was).

these are my postard written and sticked on a thick paper and then scanned.

I think they look nice and quite interesting.

next countries

Italy- sun, pasta, colorful dress and nice people :)
Poland- good food, cherful people and flag.
China- noodles and chinese people :)
Spain- bulls and red fabric
Germany- BEEEER! :)
France- first image wich Sam and Minna didn't like.
France- fashion and posh women, final image.
England- first image which Sam suggested me reshooted ( for me idea with british flag was fine and quite creative but I listen sugestions and I took picture one more time with the red bus)
England- final image
Holland- joint, small streets and nice people :)
Brazil- banans, smile, sun.
Russia- cold cold cold cold
Turkey- colorful country with really different culture
United States- American dream, coke and fun with reeelax :)

I shooted Dominika with Matrioszka. I had to reshooted few countries becouse Sam or Minna didn't like a few of them but I think they are better now.
Each image should contains something what is obvious for it, what you are thinking first when you think about it. During doing this project I noticed that English and Polish thinks different about some countires- that was really suprising. For example Sam told me that for him France is grlic and bagguettes but for me France will be always fashion, posh people and wine! :)

Sunday, 1 November 2009


I have been working on that project since 2 weeks. And acctually few days ago I definately decidd what I am going to do.
Firstly I took two images only with Russian doll-Matrioszka and some things which are something like a symbols of each country.
I send it to Minna and she told me that they are not really creative so I look at them one more time and I decided... ok, so I will take my best friend and she will go for this crazy trip togheter with Matrioszka! :)

Few days ago I took first image of them.. they went to USA :)

today they are going to France, Russia and Brazil... :) I am curious which images they will bring with theirselves back :)